What we sell

Everything we sell online is grown or produced by us, right here in Elphin. One of our producers also has a garden in Inchnadamph, 10km away, and our honey producer has a set of hives about 30km away, south of Ullapool, as well as her Elphin bees.


We sell pork, beef and mutton, all from livestock that we raise here in Elphin and take to slaughter in Dingwall.

The animals live natural, stress free lives outside (unless housing is required for health or safety reasons) and have just one final journey away from their home. Their carcasses are returned to us and we do all of our own butchery here in Elphin.

The venison is from wild deer, shot by licenced stalkers across the North Highlands (generally within 50km of here), and brought directly to Elphin for processing.


The vegetables we produced are grown on a small scale, mostly in people’s gardens and using organic and regenerative practices. We are limited by our location and climate, with a very short growing season and cold, wet and windy summers (and even colder, windier winters!) but still manage to produce a range of vegetables for over 6 months of the year.

Typical vegetables grown here include brassicas like kale, cabbage and sprouting broccoli, potatoes, onions and garlic, peas and beans, chard, salad and carrots.

Thanks to polytunnels, we can also produce courgettes, cucumbers, and even some tomatoes! We usually have vegetables from June to December.


The Green Bowl - summer fruits, Middleton

Soft fruits, like gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries and currants do very well here, but will only be available for a few weeks each year as each type will tend to all ripen together. Some may not make it onto the shop shelves either, if our producers are making their own jam, or simply letting the birds have their share.

We occasionally have other fruit (mainly apples) and there are several young mini-orchards in the village so we hope to have much more in the future.


The Green Bowl - herbs, Rosies

We have fresh herbs available for much of the year, and are aiming to have dried herbs available through the winter. Almost all of our herbs are outside, so their availability is heavily dependent on the weather.


The Green Bowl - eggs

We have fresh eggs from our free ranging ducks and hens.


The Green Bowl - sourdough bread loaves

We have locally baked sourdough loaves in a range of “flavours” and sizes, plus a dark rye sourdough (on request) and occasionally we have french baguettes as well.


The Green Bowl - Red Steading honeycomb

We also have local honey (dependent on the year, and limited quantity so only while stocks last).

Cut Flowers

The Green Bowl - flowers in sunshine

We often have cut flowers, beautifully arranged into bouquets, during the summer.